Landon Copeland, serving a three year sentence in the DC Gulag for his interactions with police at the January 6 Pelosi false flag event, is a self-confessed member of Antifa. Copeland made his confession to other Patriots in the Gulag, Jake Lang and Shane Jenkins, who then shared the information with TGP.
There to help
According to Copeland, there was an Antifa meeting the night of January 5 somewhere in Alexandria, Va, that saw about 200 Antifa members in attendence. Copeland would not disclose the exact location so as not to “out” other members of Antifa who might be identifiable from “street cameras” if the location were known.
Antifa was there to “help” the Proud Boys bring attention to election fraud, Copeland asserted, which he feels is a serious issue that the left and right need to come together on. Copeland stated in an interview with TGP Jim Hoft that “we [Antifa] see that this voter issue is a serious ordeal, and we need to figure out what we can do to essentially bring us together because we want the same thing, the libertarian right and the anarchist antifa left. Essentially, we want limited government…“
Copeland also claimed that Antifa organization could be found everywhere, stating:
“…There was meetings beforehand. There was text messages. There was Facebook messages. There was all kinds of stuff. But I was fortunate enough that the Facebook page that I had was taken down for paid speech or something like that before Uncle Sam really was able to delve into my Facebook page too much.”
Copeland, who has been an Antifa member since his college days in 2006, wrote a letter to fellow Gulag inmates admitting his association. Also claimed in the letter is that many Antifa members are Trump supporters and that Antifa stands in solidarity with everyone from BLM to the Oath Keepers that is oppressed by the government.
Important Takeaway
That is about where most will start calling bullshit right there. It is also important to point out that Copeland’s attorney tried to argue that his client wasn’t fit to stand trial. In any case, even though Copeland did not want to be known as Antifa during his trial, he believes it was known and that he got a lighter sentence because of it. This should all be taken with a grain of salt and an ounce of discernment, though Long and Jenkins do believe Copeland is being truthful.
What is important however, as incarcerated Shane Jenkins pointed out:
“I would speculate that the DOJ knows who he is and what he represents. He doesn’t hide it. I consider myself a good judge as to someone’s intentions if they are lying or not and I detected no deceit from this man. I believe it is of the utmost importance that Copeland’s story be told and shared with the world. We all may have a vested interest in it being told as it may help unlock the whole January 6th mystery.
I have fulfilled my promise to Copeland by releasing his letter, now it is up to you to get the word out. Let Congress know ANIFTA was there and we have the proof. It’s time for them to open true investigations and acknowledge what we already know.“
Read the rest at The Gateway Pundit.