Desert Sands Reimagines Fear to Gaslight Voters and Push New Taxes

The Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) has approved a 675-million-dollar bond resolution for the March 5, 2024, ballot.  The Resolution, “12/2023-2024: Resolution of the Board of Education of Desert Sands Unified School District Ordering an Election, and Establishing Specifications of the Election Order,” was approved by a 5-0 vote.  According to the tax rate statement issued […]

Did The CTA Willfully Defy Members By Not Opposing SB 274?

The Bills California Governor, “Gav the Man” Newsom, signed SB 274, which eliminates suspensions for willful defiance, truancy, and chronic tardiness, into law last week. The bill was rightfully criticized as being detrimental to classroom management, as it substitutes “restorative justice” therapy circles for actual accountability. Anyone who has ever been a parent knows that […]

A Practical Guide To Local Organizing: CFER Edition

The California For Equal Rights (CFER) Foundation held their 2nd Annual Conference last month in San Diego, California. The focus of this years Conference was “…on connecting education experts and leaders with local activists and concerned parents who are fighting on the front lines of America’s cultural war to improve education for our future generations. […]

California Set To Criminalize Passionate Parents At School Board Meetings

The California State legislature is moving a bill through the legislative process that could very well criminalize passionate parents that speak up a school board meetings. Indeed, the law could apply to any passionate community partner that dares to voice a contrary opinion to the powers that be. The bill is “SB-596 School Employees: Protection,” […]