Riverside County Continues To Fail At Election Security

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Riverside County Issues

Riverside County continues to ignore election security issues, causing many voters to doubt the legitimacy of Riverside County elections. Vote by mail, Remote Access voting, voter database security issues, involvement with CISA, EI-ISAC, and CIS, the use of shady vendors like Runbeck printing, and the use of Dominion Voting Systems are all spokes of the same election integrity wheel, or lack thereof.

The focus for today is Dominion Voting systems, though we have discussed some of these other issues before. For instance, in April of 2021, we discussed Dominion and vote by mail and RAVBM. Again in August of 2022, we discussed EI-ISAC, CISA, and CIS and how those organizations are a danger to election integrity. Finally, in August of 2022, we pointed out the flaws in the County’s final Election Administration Plan. So, let’s get on with it.

Halderman Report

A recent development on the vulnerabilities of Dominion Democracy Suite voting systems emerged last week from a Civil Court in Georgia. An expert report by Prof. J. Alex Halderman, Ph.D., with the assistance of Prof. Drew Springall, Ph.D., was submitted by the plaintiffs in the case of Curling v. Raffesnperger. The case is being heard at U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, Atlanta Division. Halderman conducted a “security analysis of the ImageCast X (ICX) BMD and associated equipment used in Georgia [2020] elections.” The same machines used by Riverside County, by the way. What did Halderman find?

Halderman, under penalty of perjury, stated:

“I played the role of an attacker and attempted to discover ways to compromise the system and change votes. I, along with my assistant, spent a total of approximately twelve person-weeks studying the machines, testing for vulnerabilities, and developing proof-of-concept attacks. Many of the attacks I successfully implemented could be effectuated by malicious actors with very limited time and access to the machines, as little as mere minutes. Emphasis mine.

Halderman Report

Halderman reported that the ICX had “critical vulnerabilities” that could exploit and “subvert all of its security mechanisms.” Most concerning, Halderman found that malware could easily be inserted into the system and “alter voters’ votes.” Malicious actors could easily bypass all protections put in place by the State. This is concerning.

Halderman Findings

Halderman identified several ways that malicious actors could subvert an election through Dominion machines:

Attackers can alter the QR codes on printed ballots to modify voters’ selections.

The software update that Georgia installed in October 2020 left Georgia’s BMDs in a state where anyone can install malware with only brief physical access to the machines.

Without needing any secret information, I created a counterfeit technician card that can unlock any ICX in Georgia, allowing anyone with physical access to install malware.

Attackers can execute arbitrary code with root (supervisory) privileges by altering the election definition file that county workers copy to every BMD before each election.

The ICX contains numerous unnecessary Android applications, including a Terminal Emulator that provides a“rootshell”(a supervisory command interface that overrides access controls).

In a given election, all BMDs and scanners in a county share the same set of cryptographic keys, which are used for authentication and to protect election results on scanner memory cards.

The ImageCast Precinct (ICP) scanner stores ballot scans in the order they were cast. A dishonest election worker…with just brief access to the scanner’s memory card could violate ballot secrecy and determine how individual voters voted.

Halderman findings

The report cautioned that simple security patches were unlikely to improve the security of the machines, and there were likely more issues.

The Halderman report is 96 pages long, and contains a wealth of information. So, when the mealy-mouthed defenders of Dominion give their weak defenses, rebuttals are sure to be handy in the report. And who might still defend Dominion, beyond the enemies of the people in legacy media? My guess is the Riverside County Board of Supervisors (or their ignorant staff) and Registrar of Voters, who spend tens of millions of taxpayer dollars on Dominion, just may try to gaslight the public. For now, let’s leave the report and head over to Riverside County, California.

Riverside County and Dominion

The links provided earlier in this article, detail Riverside County’s (RivCo) history with voting machines– from Sequoia to Dominion, so we’ll pick up where those left off. But, in a nut shell, Riverside County has ignored concerns of their constituents and have doubled down on using Dominion voting machines.

To date, RivCo has spent a total of $18 million taxpayer dollars on Dominion machines and professional services. This amount includes over $5 million from 2023.

The RivCo Board of Supervisors took two actions in regard to Dominion that provide more details, one in 2021, and another in 2022. Both actions were amendments to an existing contract, submitted to the board by RivCo Registrar of Voters, Rebecca Spencer. The amendments passed unanimously without even one voice of concern or dissent. Crazy, maybe it’s time for the Supes to turn off their TVs. How much you want to bet they know everything about the Titantic sight-seeing sub, and nothing about the IRS whistleblowers dropping bombshells of corruption? 10-1 odds, judging by their previous actions. But I digress.

Spencer gives a brief history of the RivCo/Dominion relationship in both amendments, so let’s take a brief look. The first purchase of Dominion machines was in 2019, and the 2021 contract amendment increased the number of machines purchased from 700 to 850.

2023 RivCo Board of Supervisors proceedings

It is clear, from Spencer’s submitted description, that RivCo Dominion machines were (in 2020), and are, exactly the same as the Georgia machines that Halderman examined. The ImageCast X BMD, and RivCo now has 850 of them. The RivCo machines appear to be susceptible to all the issues that Halderman found in Georgia as well. Android apps, smart cards, USB ports, and printer cables are all there. Also recall, Halderman reported that software patches would not fix the issues. So, unless RivCo has a report from Dominion that ALL of the security concerns, including the ones not found yet, and how they fixed them, we must conclude these machines are still at risk of being a vehicle for election cheating.


Readers may have noticed the Adjudication Application in the screen shot above. Those that have not been living under a rock the last three years are cognizant of the fact that adjudication was a major issue in both 2020 and 2022 elections.

Here is the complete inventory from Dominion:

What now?

The RivCo Board of Supervisor must emerge from their habitats under the rocks. Voters do not trust Dominion Voting Systems, and for very good reasons. Voters have expressed their concerns to you before, and you dismiss them, sometimes rather snidely. RivCo cannot hide behind “the courts have not taken action” mantra any longer. The courts are corrupt. The two-tiered system of justice in this country, under the Biden Crime Family is obvious, and everyone sees it. Even lifelong democrats see it–at least those that have the ability to admit they were wrong do. RivCo can no longer hide behind Civil Grand Jury investigations or recounts–Halderman proved those to be worthless.

Mr. Obama once said “elections have consequences.” Yeah, well, I posit stolen elections have even greater consequences, just look around, the proof is everywhere. Just how many school boards does the Teachers Union control for instance? Coincidence? Elected or selected? RivCo must abandon Dominion voting machines and return to paper ballots. Voters do not trust you, RivCo Board of Supervisors. Without trust in our elections, the legitimacy of government entities erodes.

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