
Desert Sands Unified School District

Current Board:

Linda Porras Board President
Humberto Alvarez VP/Clerk
Michael Duran Board Member
Tricia Pearce Board Member
Kailee Watson Board Member

Generally holds board of education meetings on Tuesday evenings. Navigate to this district page to access the upcoming meeting and for comment guidelines. Board of education agendas and minutes can be found from the district’s meeting listings page.

Coachella Valley Unified School District

Current Board:

Adonis Galarza-Toledo President Coachella Trustee Area No. 3
Jesus Gonzalez Vice President Coachella Trustee Area No. 2
Jocelyn Vargas Clerk Coachella Trustee Area No. 4
Joey Acuña Jr. Trustee Coachella Trustee Area No. 1
Trinidad Arredondo Trustee Coachella Trustee Area No. 1
Valerie Garcia Trustee Coachella Trustee Area No. 1
Silvia Paz Trustee Coachella Trustee Area No. 2

The board typically meets on Thursday evenings and their schedule can be accessed from their meetings page and agendas and minutes from their agenda page.

Palm Springs Unified School District

Current Board:

John Gerardi Board President
Sergio Espericueta Board Clerk
Karen Cornett Board Member
Madonna Gerrell Board Member
Charlie J Ervin Jr. Board Member

The board typically meets on the evenings of the second and fourth Tuesday, their schedule can be accessed from their meetings page and agendas and minutes from their agenda page.