CFER Conference: Last Chance For Early Bird Tickets

The California For Equal Rights Foundation (CFER) is holding its second annual conference on August 12, in San Diego, and the early bird ticket price (1/2 off) ends tonight. Rush over to the CFER Conference registration page and register today! Last years conference was full of education experts and was an absolute wealth of information; […]

Desert School Choice Provides Vital Assistance to Parents Seeking Alternative Education

Desert School Choice (DSC), a Coachella Valley organization, is hard at work assisting parents that want to remove their children from the public school system. DCS offers information for homeschooling, home-based charter/online school, and private schools, that parents opt for rather than send their children to the local public schools. According to DSC’s website, their […]

Settlement Project Conference “Tradition and Family” Coming to LA in April

The Settlement Project, a tax exempt organization, has a “Tradition and Family: Values for a Healthy, Stable, Strong America” conference scheduled for Saturday, April 29, 2023, at the Downey Community Center. The conference will feature a panel discussions on “Church, School and  Community: Who’s Safeguarding America’s Values?” and “Leadership and the Hispanic Vote.” Brad Dacus, […]